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August 26-29, 2018
University of Georgia | Athens, Ga.

2018 Southern Soybean Breeders Tour
University of Georgia | Athens, Ga.

The University of Georgia Institute for Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics will host the 17th Biennial Conference of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Soybean and the Southern Breeders Tour in Athens, Georgia. The Soy2018 Conference will be held at the Athens Classic Center, located minutes away from UGA’s main campus, and within walking distance to downtown Athens. The program for the Soy2018 meetings will highlight cutting-edge research by members of the soybean genetics & genomics research community.

View the Soy2018 Program Book (PDF)

About Athens 

From “While the spirited city is perhaps most known for the University of Georgia, the state’s largest public research university and the birthplace of public higher education in America, it’s also home to a thriving music scene, award-winning restaurants and a host of other attractions that make the city a can’t-miss destination on your next trip to Georgia.”

Learn more about Athens, Ga.


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